Laura Mercier 

I’m in love. 😍
I have been wanting to get this highlighter for ages! I first heard about this from Kathleen Lights, she mentioned it in a few of her videos, and so I was very curious and wanted to try it out myself. I’ve been holding off because, well, I don’t really know. I try not to buy too much makeup (Yeah right!), because I know that I still have a lot and should probably use those instead of buying new ones. But alas, we all know that that’s never gonna happen. 😝 So I actually went to Sephora first, I looked for it, I saw it, and I swatched it. And oh my bloody hell, it’s gorgeous. It’s literally all GLOW, no glitter whatsoever, which I love because it’ll look more natural. At least that’s how I see and want it. So I was so sure already that I was gonna get it. But when I looked behind it (it was at the very bottom shelf so I didn’t see behind it right away), it was empty. I don’t know if they’re restocking or what but I was already horrified. So I went to Nordstrom.. I was looking around and the lady at the counter approached me and asked if she can help me find something, and I said yes because I couldn’t find it. So I told her what I was looking for and described it to her. She checked her stocks and pulled a box out. I was getting so excited but when she read the label, it wasn’t what I was looking for. So she looked again, and she found the Highlight 01!!! So inside I’m screaming, YASS!!!!!!!! So I was able to get it and I’m in love with it, and I highly recommend it. 😘 xx

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