Birthday Haul (Part 3)

Okay, so this bit I admit, is going to be a little boring. I just have all three photos in a collage because there’s nothing much really. Also, I actually got these today (may actual birthday), so I wanted to include it anyway. 

 I received two candles, and they smell amazing! I love candles! I always have one lit. To me it’s just calming and of course, makes the house smell great. ✨
Next I received a cupcake bath fizz. It’s so freaking cute! Honestly though, I feel like I’d rather have that one displayed than use it, lol. 😁
And lastly, this one is actually a big deal for me. It’s a plain black wallet, and I love it! I don’t really like those big chunky wallets to carry around so I prefer the ones that could easily fit in my pocket. I needed a new one badly so I’m so glad to get this. I know it looks so plain and simple and boring but I actually really love it. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Oh! And I wanted to include this one. I also got it today from Ulta as a birthday present from them I guess. It’s a lip gloss from Bare Minerals. It’s a light shimmery pink shade that looks perfect for summer. 💄

So that’s part 3. I’m so sorry that there’s nothing much and it’s super short, but I just wanted to post something for today. Also, I was out the whole day celebrating my birthday, so yes. Till next time! 😁 xx

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